Saturday, July 30, 2011

Victim of abuse

For all women who have been abused

All my life I wished for a man who loved me,

Life and love would have passed me,

I would never have known what it is like to be lover and be loved,

Now I am no longer an observer, I am also a lover and loved,

I had for the life of me wished for a man who could hold my hands,

To tell me everything would be all right as long as we clung together,

I never heard it from him because he had too many hands to hold,

As such, too many women’s hands to be able to clung together.

I longed for simple things such as to sit on the porch,

Him and I to watch the orange sunset from the porch,

However, I never had it with him,

Because he was, too busy pursuing other women as the sunset.

I longed for a man, who wished to listen to simple music with me,

And I never had that too, and you know why?

Because he was busy giving that to other women except me,

Busy in the clubs, And for me the club was out of bounds and why?

I longed for a man, who would love my natural scents,

Moreover, to tell me it was sexy and sensual,

However, I never had that too, because he was busy as usual,

With perfumes and baths to take away other women’s scents.

I am all-natural woman, who appreciates,

The love and desire of a man,

The man who appreciates an all natural woman?

The one that I am, am I a crazy woman?

No I do not think that I am crazy,

Because I have found a man who desires me naturally,

The who loves me but is not lazy,

To show me quality love unconditionally!

I have found a man, who challenges me intellectually,

Whereas I never sat down to discuss anything intellectually,

Because my ex never had time, as he was too busy actually,

Busy chasing flowers of the world that kept him away intellectually.

I had almost forgotten that I too in fact,

Am among the beautiful flowers, as a fact

And such count as a beautiful flower, that’s a fact

He continuously ignored me, Oh what an effect!

I am challenged intellectually on a daily basis,

By the man in my life as my love oasis,

I can feel myself thriving and have a basis,

No wonder I am surviving in the oasis.

I have been a lifelong educator and learner,  

How could my lover fail to see that learner?

That he had to challenge me intellectually,

And not beat me physically,

Something I cannot fathom up to this day, intellectually.

All my life I drank from a swift flowing river,

All my life as a teacher, a learner, and a giver,

As I was never mentally a stagnant river,

Stagnant waters of the river cause malignant fever

I suppose thats why he was a taker and not a giver.

I could not continue to drink the stale waters of the stagnant pond,

Of his mind that believed in pounding a woman’s body,

Torturing her mind, and soul to possess her body,

To break her forgiving soul, and vibrant spirit so as to own her body.

I am now drinking the fresh waters of the swift flowing mind,

Peaceful person with all the nectar of a human mind,

And sweetness that comes from him and I bear in mind,

I am now in a peaceful world that cares and minds.

 I say thank you, for mistreating me to my abuser,

Otherwise, I would never have tasted these treats,

The softness and tender love of a real man for me,

The man who likes a woman, and like a real man he treats me.

I challenge my man intellectually,

And he promises me the same perpetually,

That is so refreshing actually,

To be drinking these waters so refreshing perpetually.

I am happy my body longs for that soft touch,

The one my body expects it night and day,

Than cringe from my man’s touch,

For my body and pleasure are his night and day.

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