Sunday, October 30, 2011

Lazy Sunday

No one deserves this break more than I do. I have been reading and writing and trying to keep on top of my assignments because that is the kind of person I am. I do not rush to meet the deadline I meet the deadline at a rush that is way head of time. I never wondered whether my transport will leave me behind because I was running behind, because I would be there waiting all the time. I am not one who is late for appointments, I am usually the one waiting for other people to arrive. As such, by the time deadlines come around I am just waiting for them because all my work is done and ready.

 So today is just a day one of those rare days this fall of 2011, that I can enjoy my reality shows that I have not watched in many months. Today is the day I can enjoy my one hour long walk because I have earned it. Today is the day I get to clean my place because I have been ignoring it for long. Today I get to cook a nice hot meal for myself because I been eating food from two weeks ago when my kids visited and I need a hot meal. Oh there no, no, no Trish, Ra, and Farai it was not stale by the way I know better than to eat food that would poison me, but what else did you want me to do, to throw away all that good food. Next time make sure you stay long enough to eat all the food, because in my world we never threw food away and I still feel guilty throwing good food away!

Oh I will also get to enjoy that bar of chocolate I bought a week ago and had not been round to savor the tasty creamy chocolate in my mouth. Best f all, I will spend time on FB and catch up with all the friends and relatives, and the gossip that FB brings into my life. I will get to change my photos on FB because there are people though they might not admit it enjoy peaking at my pretty pictures. Today I just feel fabulous, so I am going to post that fabulous picture on FB. Have a fabulous and blessed day I know mine has been.

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