Wednesday, November 30, 2011

You win some and you lose some

Tonight was not my best night. I knew I wanted to be the presenter of our group, but I let the person who did the PowerPoint dictate that she would be the presenter.

First let me start from the beginning we argued at every little thing and my bone of contention was in our statistics we needed to present a local argument than a national argument of the whole thing. I know I should have pushed the idea more but I let her dictate and I took a backseat as such I should put up with it. I am a teacher by profession and we always present in front of the class, before the parents, at conferences and the like. Tonight did not leave me in good standing I did not swell with pride at what we presented before the class. Our presentation was ripped to shreds and it is not a good feeling when you have not put your best foot forward, and tonight I did not put my best foot forward.

I am not a perfectionist but presentations are part and parcel of my career and I feel I let myself down. I am going to coin it to experience and try to move on but my heart is really heavy. I wonder whether I will be able to sleep at all. I have never felt so undone over anything at all.

It was a shame!

1 comment:

  1. I can kinda of relate to what you wrote. It's hard to live up to your own personal standards.

    My dad likes to tell me that "if your completing against yourself, you've already won the race."

    He tells me this because I always want to get A in class, and sometimes I get really sad with an -A. He says that shows I have already surpassed the requirements of others, and now I am just completing with myself.

    It might be the same for you. Maybe you are just competing with yourself cause there is no one left to complete against. You already surpassed everyone. If that is the case, no need to lose sleep! So please sleep!

    Call Farai if you can't sleep :)
