Sunday, December 4, 2011

He/She Completes Me

I am sitting here wondering how many times I have heard someone say somebody completes them. I wonder in my mind's view whether they were created incomplete initially and whether I am the one who fails to get. In my understanding I am a woman made in His image. That goes for everyone whether man or woman we are all made in His image. For me I know He took care of all the details when my life was formed and He forgot nothing. Why then would I feel as though I need someone to complete me. I also know I am here in His perfect time not by mere chance. I did not arrive too late in history nor did I arrive ahead of my schedule. As such I fit perfectly into my world and the world  fits into me. Why then would I need someone to complete because that would not make me fit into my place and my place would not fit me. In that context then, I know I do not need anyone to complete me as I was created at the appropriate time to fit in with His perfect plans for me.

Well some might say it is all but sour grapes. No I am not sour about anything but I feel completely the opposite because I have so much to be grateful for. I have experienced love of family, closeness of the ones who love me the most in the world. I have had a happy life despite all that I endured for it was meant for my growth and preparation for the world. As such I had to go through it before I could appreciate all that in life had for me. We live, learn and we grow and I believe it did not happen for no reason. However even though my family are that close to me because they are my blood I know as a human being I am complete as I am. Why then would I need someone whom I am not related to through my DNA to complete me? My family's world would not come to sudden halt if I were to suddenly disappear. Neither would mine if they were to suddenly disappear. I would be obliged to carry on. Their lives would continue as well but I know they will be affected by my loss, obviously I would leave a hole in their lives, just as I would be affected by their loss similarly.

 I am a physically abled person. I have a fully functioning mind, I am really smart, intelligent, I have good judgment of character. I have no idiosyncratic behaviors that I personally question about myself. Of course I miss having that special someone to share with on a daily basis but I do not need that person to complete me for I was made complete. I am as normal as anyone would wish for except hence I do not need anyone to complete me. Do you still need someone to complete you? Look within you and you will find you are complete but there are certain aspects of life and living that we cannot fulfill on our own, just like no man is an island. As such we need each other to depend on each other, to believe in each other, to help each other, to love each other, to trash each other, but not complete each other.

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