Sunday, December 18, 2011

Pure Joy

A few days ago I wrote about the relationship of grandparents and grandchildren. Now I have had several days to experience it more and be tested as well. Nothing has taken away from my joy of those two naughty and endearing grandchildren of mine. The days have gone by so fast because every minute of my waking hours is spent with them. They have been the center of my world and nothing else stopped to exist. I know their mom might feel like I am taking over but I know my boundaries. I am not there to discipline them, I am not there not make their schedules, I am just here to spend time as much as I can with them.

Tao is at an age where he understands the meaning of play and seriousness. He knows how far he can push the buttons, test my temper, try my patience, and somehow unlike my children he knows Gogo has a  lot of patience where he is concerned, can tolerate his misbehaviors, and try my temper all he can. He knows when he wants his mom or his dad's attention, and he knows when he wants Gogo to take him to the bathroom and wipe his bottom and then have the audacity to tell me 'wait Gogo I have to go again and please put your fingers on your nose!' Who else but a grandson can get away with that. He knows when he misbehaves and I tell him he will be facing disciplinary action from his mom then he will cry for his mom because he knows his mom's threats are just empty threats, yet even a look from his dad speaks volumes, and a word puts him in his right place. I have had a wonderful week bonding with Tao and no price can even be attached to that!

As for Tana the first couple of days were so heartbreaking. She would not willingly come to me. She would not even look at me let alone turn her head when I called her name she continued to ignore me and obliterated me into oblivion, ouch that hurt I tell you. Though for the several past days she has sown says she is getting used to the idea of having me around and that did a lot to warm up my heart. Yesterday Saturday somehow, marked a milestone in our relationship. She sought me out the whole day. We took pictures of her looking at me and me looking at her in the mirror! She wanted to participate in all the playing I did with Tao, she even let me feed me. She would come and seek me from the living room and run back to the kitchen so that I could follow her. She let me pick her up and we could play Giddya, Giddya! and she now knows when I get hold of her I can tickle her and she is ready to keep laughing. She knows when she sees me with my camera she is posing for pictures. It has been more than what my heart and my emotions hungered for! To hold this tiny baby girl in my arms and feel her, smell her, and actually see her and not just picture her, this was a true blessing!

However, no matter how I feel right now, it will never make up for all the time I will not be with them, for all the time I am gone and I will miss them with all my being! I cannot tell what the future holds but for the time being I am happy I got to meet my grandchildren!

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