Friday, January 20, 2012

Landed finally

The happiness had at some point to come to an end. I had the most wonderful four weeks I could have imagined. Not only did I enjoy time with my grandbabies. It was heaven to hold my daughter and smell her after several years and to be reacquainted with her husband as well. It felt as though I had suddenly been uprooted from this world to another when my nieces started coming to visit with me. Just before Christmas my younger sister came over as well. That was the icing on the cake. Words can not describe the joy of being surrounded by the family members I had not seen in years. As though that was not enough more nieces and nephews, cousins, and the whole tribe descended on us on Christmas eve. We did not go to sleep. We talked the night away. Then New Year's Eve I had a surprise from someone I had longed to meet for a long time. My son's girlfriend visited with us. Even my ex husband came to visit and yes for the first time we were civil with each other despite our other differences we had a fruitful visit.

Christmas day was beautiful. The Christmas tree was labored with presents that reached up to the ceiling. I had never celebrated Christmas where so many people exchanged so many gifts and enjoyed unwrapping the presents like Christmas of 2011. We spent almost two hours unwrapping presents. I could not believe that almost everybody had bought me presents and I had not even brought one present with me. Truly I knew they all had unconditional love for me, even though I had not brought anything they felt honored by my visit just to reciprocate the honor by buying me presents. I enjoyed trying on my new outfits, sweater dresses, trench coats, turtle necks, tights, jewelry, you name it. It was as though Santa had read my mind. I managed to get a throw that matches my fur coat, as well as a laptop! Can it ever get better than that?

As though that was not enough on Boxing Day, I just enjoyed spending the money of my loving family. In the UK this day (Boxing Day) is like our Black Friday! I could not believe my good fortune. We went to so many shops, I was just swiping their cards. By the time we came back home I had spend several hundreds more of their precious and worthy pounds and none of them flinched. Goodness knows how much I needed to be pampered like that, and I am not sure I truly deserved it at all. I felt so humbled by their demonstration of family love.

Everyday from the time I arrived in the UK to the day I left, it felt like Christmas everyday. I enjoyed my family immensely. As soon as I came back home it did not cease, it was as though the ones here did not wish to be out done. There was more jewelry waiting for me, sewing machine, and my family visited exactly two weeks after I came back. If I cannot say thank you to your all for your hospitality then I do not deserve to be ever pampered like that again. I am writing everything here publicly where you can all read and know I how I truly feel.

Today I sit here alone but I know I am rich for I am blessed with this wonderful family. Please God take care of them all, wherever they are. They each have a special place in my heart.

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