Friday, October 26, 2012

Political Season

I first learned about politics from my two eldest brothers Rhoderick and Alexander when I was a little tiny girl growing up in my village in Rhodesia. They would tell us about the unfairness of the world late into the night or as we looked for those wild fruits that supplemented our diet. We got these fruits from the white man's farm. We would gather hute, mazhanje, matamba, maroro, nhunguru, tsvanzva, tsvoritsvoto, matohwe, hacha and all kinds of wild fruits of which I forget their names. While we did that my brothers would explain how the white men had left their own land to come and occupy our land and on top of that they occupied the best, most fertile, and biggest chunk of our country, Rhodesia then.

I did not even know the world was as big as it is, because I was limited to my environment back then. I thought it was as big as my naked eye could see. However, through the magic of the radio I learned about Mozambique, South Africa, Tanganyika, Botswana which was Bechuanaland, and many other African countries. I did not even know the western world existed. Where was the west and what was the west? My brothers would tell us about the war of Hitler and I had no idea and could not even imagine who Hitler was. As time progressed my world expanded my knowledge increased. I would question about the oppression of women by men, the girl child compared to the boy child, the black oppressed by the white, Christians against Moslems, and Jews and all never made sense to me because I always liked and loved to live to live in a free and fair world. Oh the innocence of the young. Through education, through economic depravation, through poor health provisions, I noticed the social injustices of my world.

I realized mostly the injustices were ingrained in us as we grew. However, my transition to the western world was in the 2000 was an eye opener. It was right in the middle of the 2000 election season. I had very little time to pay attention to the election process but I was knowledgeable enough. Deep down I wanted Al Gore to win. I was disappointed by his loss but I learned about the policies of the different parties and what they represented in the world that had suddenly become my home. America would have been better for me with Al Gore as the president that much I acknowledged to myself, but I could not speak publicly as I quickly realized that I was working for and with Republicans. .

By 2004 I was now seriously following the politics of America. Even when the then Illinois Senator Barack Obama give the DNC keynote speaker address in Colorado, I felt as though he was speaking to me only and for me. I searched for his book "Dreams From My Father" and was determined to find out more about this rock star politician and how his political journey would grow. He gave me hope that even though my brother had fought for our independence and was killed during the process I was hopeful Barack Obama would represent the new era of white and black playing on an equal turf. He not only represented hope for the black in America but for all who had been oppressed by whites world wide and especially for me growing up in Rhodesia.

During his campaign in 2007/8 I was fearful he would be assassinated. He ran a clean campaign even though he refused to be drawn into things that divide us he was forced to address issues of race in Philadelphia. His address once again reminded me that he was way above the fray. However, racial connotations dogged the election season but he was elected into power. The leader of the first nation in the world, was a black man. had something mystique happened during the elections? Was he destined to fulfill a destination for all blacks. I was overjoyed by his winning while he mourned the passing of his grandmother and my heart ached for him. I could not have been more proud of being black than when Obama was elected to the office of the first black president of the US.

I even attended his inauguration in DC with my daughter, Tatiana, in the middle of January with snow covering most parts of the city people shivering yet still I had never seen so many happy faces. Everyone I met that day was just smiling and later it was reported that not even a single incident of crime petty or otherwise took place on that day. Fast forward to today. I realize the more things change, they more they remain the same. We have not moved from those years of slavery and oppression of the black by white. They (whites) still feel the black should not be as privileged as they are. They refer to us as the other, they speak in codes at they try to influence whites to vote against Obama. he fights tooth and nail to change the policies but whites hide behind their fingers and say he is ineffective and they forget they are the ones who are rendering him ineffective. The republicans do not want to see him succeed because he is bringing changes they never thought possible.

My heart aches, this world is never going to accept us for who we are, what we are, and we are capable of . We have to be double smart to play on equal turf with them. We have to conquer each and every little nobody because in the eyes of the white supremacist they are somebody and I am nobody.  My heart aches for my children because they feel they will never be subjected to racism. In a way I feel sorry for them and hope they will never be made to feel like I feel. Why do they not see what I see even with my eyes tightly closed? Well maybe it's a changing world.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

July and mixed blessings

I never used to look at a month and say I hate this particular month. I have never dreaded any time of the year because it had such unpleasant memories. However, this year I dreaded the month of July and almost had a foreboding feeling of doom to come.

Right on the first date of July I received news that my eldest sister Savior had been admitted to hospital after enduring a stroke. I had an impeding feeling because like many people have always told me the previous day I had been thinking about her all day long. I had bought her a dress and was wondering how I could ship it to her. Most times it is difficult because buying the dress is really cheapest part but the shipping is triple the cost of the dress. In that instance it defeats the purpose. The news of her being admitted in hospital devastated me. For some time I had this image of going home and having one more opportunity of reuniting all my siblings, nephews, and nieces and their children together in happier times. I have always pictured us having one huge family portrait . I started to wonder whether by the time I would have lost one of my siblings, and once again I would not be able to accompany her on her final journey home.

It was not at all surprising when my nephew went to the hospital and found that she was on oxygen. He is young and he thought probably it was negligence from the hospital but I prepared him for the worst. While my sane side told me the near was pending but other optimistic side was praying hard that what I was telling my nephew would not come to be. My prayers were in vain. Approximately three hours after that my sister passed away. I was devastated. I was alone, my home was closing on me, I could not breathe, I felt my own vulnerability, I was scared for myself than my sister because she had escaped this painful world.

I almost had a feeling before she was struck by the stroke my sister if could, she would have called me and we could have had our farewells. As it turns out my sister was hard of hearing and she had no speech, so even is she had thought of me, in her final hours, she could not have called me. I felt so bad I had not asked after her in a long time. Somehow, I have this connection with people before they pass on that I am almost afraid to admit to myself let alone reveal to my family and friends. In that moment and at that particular time I wanted to be home and to be with my siblings and family members more than ever.

I tried to go the bank and while driving I could not figure out where I was or where I was going. I was in shock, and I pulled to the side. I had a good cry all by myself. I needed to do that before I could pretend all was in order no I was hurting because I would never see my sister again. After about 30 minutes by the side of the road the cry cleared my mind a little. I was able to drive. I needed to sent money to help defray the funeral expenses.

I lost my dad on July 9 2005. I was home, I was able to share his journey to the end. However, I lost my younger brother Fortunate exactly two year late on the same date. Unfortunately I was not able to go home and accompany him on his final journey home destroys my heart even today five years later.

On July  21, I lost my niece Nyarai. The news was through a chat with my nephew Basil. I could not believe because I had not heard about her illness. The thing that got me the most is that she died in her sleep. Honestly Nyarai was eldest brother's daughter, and she was a free spirit. I still picture her and all my interactions with her all I recall are her smiles. Why do good people die young?

The blessing that I have in the month of July s that my youngest daughter Trish was born on July 24. I love and hate the month of July. Love it because I was given one of my most precious gifts, my youngest daughter who has given me so much joy. Hate it because so many of my loved ones were promoted to glory in the same month. I will not dread the coming of July as I know I have memories of my loved ones to celebrate. I have been blessed to have been enriched by their time in this world. May their souls rest in peace and may I continue to have more blessings like Trish, Thandiwe, Sheona, Sheilla, and Entashia, all were born in July. I have a mixed bag of blessings in the month of July.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Happy Earth Day

I grew up working the land for all the food I ate. I was taught that I had to feed the land so that it would be able to feed me too. I remember early on people would build ridges along the edges of their fields and as a child I could never understand why. Later I learned that they did it so that all the top rich soil would not be washed always by the rains. It was hard work as people used their bare hands and there were not tractors then. I used to think if we had to work had to conserve the soil I would have preferred not eating at all. To me that appeared to be one of the most stupid things that adults did, because I did not know better. Now that I am grown up and I know the importance of prevention of soil erosion I appreciate those early childhood lessons and the added physical labor that my ancestors engaged in to conserve the soil. 

We would also cut grass to thatch our homes, and my grandmother would always remind us not to cut all the grass so that it would cover the soil. Those were important lessons in conservation that I did not need any lessons from school. She told us not to start wildfires as they would destroy the habitat of many insects and animals. There was no real understanding of the ecosystem but those were my first lessons in the need to preserve and conserve our natural resources. Firewood was one of those issues we were always so short of. As a result many trees were cut down and there were no replacements. But as we grew up we were taught to plant a tree a year to replace the ones we had lost. I remember one year we planted gum trees behind my mother's home. Those gum trees are now saving as a windbreak for our homestead and now giving us the necessary firewood for cooking.

Now more than fifty years from my childhood, I am living in the USA. Today happens to be Earth Day and I decided to make sure I took care of the outside of my duplex where I live. Guess what I needed, GLOVES, so that I would not make my hands dirty and mess up my manicure. I miss the feel of the soil and the sand as trickles down between my fingers. I miss the smell of the earth especially after it has rained. I wished I could just take the soil and eat it that was how good the smell was to me. Sometimes of course we did. We looked for the soft sand and just munched on it. It tasted as earthy as you could expect it to be.

Working in my little garden, raking away some leaves from last fall, planting flowers, pruning some of the bushes, in my glove covered hands, connected my soul to mother earth again. That hour I spent outside took my mind back to my child hood when I was taught to care for the earth so that it would take care of me. I hope each one of you in your little corners of the world today you did a little good to Mother Earth as one good turn deserves another.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

As time goes by

Yesterday I responded to a Facebook posting from a young man I last saw more than 12 years ago. I knew his name, one of many I taught in primary school. What he said in the end touched my heart. That he would never forget me because I taught him all those years back when I was a school principal.

Isn't it amazing that we touch lives and then we move on. Sometimes we even forget how many young lives we have touched and in what way. This young man just does not know how lowly I was feeling and how his kind words just lifted my spirits and made me realize why sometimes I feel that I do not have to give up.

I may not get the satisfaction today of how I know I can change people's lives, and it may not be tomorrow, but I know in more than one way that it will come with time and for some of them it will come with time as well. I have made a difference in many people's lives and this I know. My greatest wish is I will continue to touch people's lives in a positive way.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Time Goes By too Fast

I cannot believe it has been this long since I last posted something onto my blog. It is not only a source of inspiration but a way of getting back into my own when I feel things are overwhelming me. I feel like I am most sane when I am putting my feeling down. Sometimes the world zooms by too fast and I can hardly cope. I have enjoyed the peaceful minutes I spend with myself on this blog because they help me put things into the right perspective. Sometimes I feel too lonely but when I am here I do not need anyone but my mind. I reflect, I meditate, I cogitate, and I straighten my jumbled thought and at the end I feel better.

Thursday February 23 started like any one of my ordinary days only it ended with me questioning my own commitment to keeping myself healthy. Last evening February 22 I had a class on health management. One of the things we discussed was how hard it is to get people to change their health behavior and live healthy lifestyles. I am all for incentives that people can enjoy from their health carriers or employers to motivate them to be healthy, but sometimes the extrinsic motivators do not actually help as such it is the intrinsic motivators that induce people to live healthy life styles. Though yesterday my provider told me of the implications of my high cholesterol nothing was new and i know exactly with my history of heart disease, blood pressure and diabetes, in my family the odds are against me. I need to change my life style, but what do I need to motivate me to change this life style that I am so comfortable with?

In May 2011 my cholesterol was high and I managed to control it, yesterday I was once more told my cholesterol was up again, I could not believe my ears. I knew the next thing my provider was going to tell me was to reduce my weight. I was resistant to the idea. I have so far maintained my weight at the same level from June last year to the present day. I lost more than 20 pounds by exercise and eating right. I have not indulged in animal flesh besides, fish but I know I have been more than a glutton when it comes to my cheese and peanut butter.

I love the grilled cheese sandwich, and I make excuses that it is a few of my main sources of protein. I also love my protein. Inwardly I am clinching as I bite each sandwich because I know I am having one too many. When I am lazy to cook what do I do? I just make my grilled cheese sandwich! Yes when I am tired it is no problem to make it and I do not have a sink full of dirty dishes at the end.  Growing in Zimbabwe my main source of protein was peanut butter. I do not just use peanut but I relish it. I use it on my banana slices, my apple slices, my greens, my sandwiches and oh yes I can just lick teaspoonful of peanut butter. I feel like I am in heaven. I do not buy the little jars of peanut butter I buy the almost 2kg ones, of smooth and crunchy peanut butter both. I LOVE PEANUT BUTTER.

Like all things and all love relationships end, I know mine with peanut butter and cheese have to come to an end. Not just butter but also the peanuts. I can roast them in my micro wave, I can cook them and eat them as my main meal. I know now I have been over indulging in my peanut butter and peanuts intake and am so sad our relationship has to end. Yes last night you guessed right. I over indulged. I took yes three table spoons and just licked all the peanut but away until I fell asleep. I made my decision those were the last spoons of peanut butter I will ever lick. I gave up sour cream, I have given up pork, bacon, beef, ribs, oxtail, and all types of beef jerks. Last night made the hard decision that this relationship too HAS to END.

I value my health more. I will eat and use peanuts in a reasonable manner. I am not an addict and I can do without peanut butter and cheese. Peanut Butter I love you but I love my health better. Cheese I love you but not to the detriment of my health. Our relationship has to be healthy as such, I am making a conscious decision not to buy chips and all unhealthy snacks, I am making the same conscious decisions where you two are concerned. I am going to eat you in moderation. I am not going to abandon you but I am going to have to limit my intake of you. In the meantime I will have walnuts, almonds, pecans, and reasonably.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Landed finally

The happiness had at some point to come to an end. I had the most wonderful four weeks I could have imagined. Not only did I enjoy time with my grandbabies. It was heaven to hold my daughter and smell her after several years and to be reacquainted with her husband as well. It felt as though I had suddenly been uprooted from this world to another when my nieces started coming to visit with me. Just before Christmas my younger sister came over as well. That was the icing on the cake. Words can not describe the joy of being surrounded by the family members I had not seen in years. As though that was not enough more nieces and nephews, cousins, and the whole tribe descended on us on Christmas eve. We did not go to sleep. We talked the night away. Then New Year's Eve I had a surprise from someone I had longed to meet for a long time. My son's girlfriend visited with us. Even my ex husband came to visit and yes for the first time we were civil with each other despite our other differences we had a fruitful visit.

Christmas day was beautiful. The Christmas tree was labored with presents that reached up to the ceiling. I had never celebrated Christmas where so many people exchanged so many gifts and enjoyed unwrapping the presents like Christmas of 2011. We spent almost two hours unwrapping presents. I could not believe that almost everybody had bought me presents and I had not even brought one present with me. Truly I knew they all had unconditional love for me, even though I had not brought anything they felt honored by my visit just to reciprocate the honor by buying me presents. I enjoyed trying on my new outfits, sweater dresses, trench coats, turtle necks, tights, jewelry, you name it. It was as though Santa had read my mind. I managed to get a throw that matches my fur coat, as well as a laptop! Can it ever get better than that?

As though that was not enough on Boxing Day, I just enjoyed spending the money of my loving family. In the UK this day (Boxing Day) is like our Black Friday! I could not believe my good fortune. We went to so many shops, I was just swiping their cards. By the time we came back home I had spend several hundreds more of their precious and worthy pounds and none of them flinched. Goodness knows how much I needed to be pampered like that, and I am not sure I truly deserved it at all. I felt so humbled by their demonstration of family love.

Everyday from the time I arrived in the UK to the day I left, it felt like Christmas everyday. I enjoyed my family immensely. As soon as I came back home it did not cease, it was as though the ones here did not wish to be out done. There was more jewelry waiting for me, sewing machine, and my family visited exactly two weeks after I came back. If I cannot say thank you to your all for your hospitality then I do not deserve to be ever pampered like that again. I am writing everything here publicly where you can all read and know I how I truly feel.

Today I sit here alone but I know I am rich for I am blessed with this wonderful family. Please God take care of them all, wherever they are. They each have a special place in my heart.