Saturday, November 9, 2013

The space betwen the words

This is not my own writing but a poem by Vicky Lettmann (Goodreads Author)  
I hope when you read it you enjoy it as much as I did.

Now you have gone into that space
Beyond language

You have gone into the pauses in our conversation
The time beyond time and time within time

You are in those moments when we sit in the audience
Waiting for the curtain to rise

And the end when the curtain has closed
And the actors have taken their bows

You are within the pauses of the bird’s song
When we strain to hear the next note

In the water between the fish
In the traveler’s silence within a foreign language

You are in the air that fills the sky
In the moments after the sunset

You are between night and day
Spirit next to soul

You are in the space between the words

The moment before the artist picks up her brush

Somehow this comforted me as I read.
I could see my sister as the space between Alexander and I
I could see her as the space between mom and Dad
The space between Foshi and Maidei
The space between Tonderai and Maidei
The space that I can never fill
But the space that is always filled

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