Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Ambivalent feelings of HAPPINESS and SADNESS

Such ambivalent feelings of happiness and sadness at the same time. On one hand I feel elated, happy, light, free, and expectant as I have just submitted my first manuscript of my first book today for review with a publishing company. On the other hand I feel sad, loss, deep sorrow, concerned, tense and unsure of what is about to happen. I feel as though I have lost my long time friend. I have been working on this manuscript for more than four years now. I never thought a day would come when I would actually submitthe manuscript to total strangers and trust them to review and publish the story of my life.

Some may be wondering why I decided to write the story of my life down. Well, because it has all the ingredients that you can expect from someone who was born of a polygamous father, an illiterate mother, in a colonized country, and lived with an abusive husband for more than two decades. My autobiograph is the only chronicle that can make you understand that some of us are born under abject poverty, but we refuse to succumb to the negative aspects of our lives but call on all the reserves of resilience we have for survival.

I am not trying to convince you to read my book but I know when you get hold of it when eventually it is publish it you will enjoy the emotional rollercoaster with me. I lived for 27 years with my ex-husband who abused me physically, emotionally, and economically. I was an educated woman but abuse knows no educational levels, no racial lines, no class, no religious background, has no geographical limitations, nor does it know any sexual orientations. my story is your story, my abuse is your abuse, my liberation is your liberation.

Watch out this blog and read about how this African woman liberated herself from an abusive union. It have taken long but I am happy I did not have to die to make the abuse stop!

1 comment:

  1. can't wait till it is published ma... you would let me read it so now ima have to buy it which i think ill appreciate more...
