Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Understanding the Computer

The time is 1.05 am. I am sitting in my son's apartment. My son lives in State College PA and I am in Toledo Ohio. The drive is almost 6 hours long. I am so tired and all I want to do is go to bed but I cant. I have to wait for Farai to come back so I can persuade him to do an antivirus clean up on my PC! I was last here in May and I wanted him to do the same unfortunately I forgot the PC cables so without power a PC does not work. All my efforts of loading the PC into my car were in vain and I had to take it back with all its viruses.

Today or should say yesterday before leaving I made sure I had all the cables and even strapped the CPU onto the back seat and fastened the seat belt securing it like a baby. I was excited because Farai would clean up all the viruses! This time around sure enough I forgot nothing, and no sooner was it plugged in and the damn thing would not turn on. Despite bringing all the cables, and making sure the CPU was nicely strapped to my back seat now once again the PC would not even turn on.

Farai now tells me it was the power supply. Who understands technology. Obviously others but not me.

If its not the cables, its the power shortage, or its simply having an attitude with me, what do I know?Why is it that I find such simple things the most difficult to do. Many times my son has told me I am technologically challenged...who would not feel challenged when a simple machine like a PC will not do as it is supposed to do unless it is challenging my intelligence or my patience? 

Farai has shown me more than a hundred times how to do a virus clean up but somehow it is above my understanding. Is it because it is difficult or I am just simply not interested, or is it generational thing? Whatever the reason all I know is the computer seems to be taking over the world. The world that was simple and trusting and obviously not challenging!

The computer has lessened the time of long hand writing, it has made communication easier through emails, instant messagings, video calls, no wonder post offices are losing businesses. The four operations are much easier and who needs to learn to add and subtract when the culculator is readily available on my PC!. Dating, cheating, studying, communication, numerating, literacy, language, what is it that you can think of and is not on the PC.

Life has definitely been easier since the turn of the century due to the computer era. Undenieably it has also complicated our lives because it seems to e taking over everything and people like me seem not to cope. Life has become complicated because we seem not to understand and anticipate all the problems that arise with the advent of the computer and technological era. People are creating the latest in technology, and everyday it seems to challenge and complicate our lives. I appreciate the way it has made communication with my family and friends all over the world accissible but I am confused why it continues to challenge us!  


  1. Its funny Im reading you blog and as you talk about computers and how they complicate life you call me too google weather or not Michael Irvin was ever accused to assault.. See mom you gotta appreciate how they make life easier and even with the spell checker on my computer Im spelling right ;)

  2. Thank heavens for computers because I can even read what Faffi says! Your handwriting is simply atrocious, ha ha!
