Sunday, August 7, 2011

Lifestyle Changes

Two months ago on May 20th I visited with my primary care physician just for routine check up. I knew I had gained weight up to 198 pounds in the last 10 months but I was in total denial. Most of my pants and skirts could hardly fit me and I kept explaining things away to myself and denying the obvious. It started with my tights not going past my knees, and I attributed that shrinking due to the excessive heat of the drier on the nylons. Next were my skirts and pants which were no longer zipping up and told I myself it was the cheap material. When next I went for a walk and I was out of breath after ten minutes and my thighs were itching I was convinced it was because it was still too cold to be outside walking. I could neither admit to myself that I was neglecting my health nor see what was glaring blankly at me; my weight had skyrocketed to levels I had never experienced before!

Eventually, on May 20 2011, I had to confront the truth. In my doctors office I tipped the scale at 198 pounds again. I had been weighing pretty much the same on my bathroom scale. Rather than admit that I was becoming obese I dismissed it and told myself the scale was broken somewhere. However, in my doctor’s office I knew I had to finally look at my self in the mirror and admit the truth of my overweight issue. On May 24, my provider called with my test results. I routinely have blood work for my cholestrol, and blood sugar levels. She expressed concern about my cholestrol levels. I tought I heard wrong. How had I gone from a normal range to 246 all in less than a year? I was disgusted at myself. I heard the concern in her voice, but had not expected the drastic measures she would impose. My way of nourishing my body had changed for the worse within a year as such, she felt drastic measures were necessary. I could not believe I had done that to myself through what I put into my own mouth. I tried to convince my primary care provider that I did not need any prescribed medications, and stressed I would change my diet. She would not hear me out; instead she gave me a prescription to lower my bad cholestrol! I was flabbergasted with my self. I did not need all these pills to help me control what I thought I could control through sheer willpower.

In fact I had not been abusing food by myself alone. I love beef jerky and each time any of my five kids came to visit me they would bring me lots of beef jerkys. They were aiding me in feeding my bad eating habits. Even my oldest daughter, who lives in the United Kingdom, occasionally mailed me packages of beef jerkys. Instead of me eating them sensibly as snacks should be enjoyed, I would binge on the beef jerks as though I was satisfying an all time high addiction. Whenever, I had some beef jerks in my home, I would not take a break from chewing until all was safely stored away in my belly. I fed my bad habit aided by my loving children unknowingly! It was no surprise that my cholestrol level was raised to such high numbers and out of control.

With my cholestrol level looming at 246, my provider recommended I started on medication immediately. I had not made wise choices where food consumption was concerned. My intake of all animal flesh had gone up considerably in the last 10 months. I enjoyed my bacon, my pork and beef ribs, I loved my oxtail, and my t-bone steak and to add icing on the cake I had suddenly become a couch potato. The results of my idleness and my eating habits were immediately reflected in my cholestrol levels and increased body weight. To make matters worse in my family there is a history of diabetes and high blood pressure. I knew the risks I was taking with the added weight and I could not afford adding high cholestrol into the mix. I knew one thing could lead to another consequently; it was high time I changed my habits.  

I had spent Memorial Day weekend with my family in West Virginia, guiltily binging on the beef jerky which by now my daughter Trish had a dehydrator to make it within four hours. I put on a happy face but inwardly I was dying. I looked forward to going home and implement some changes. As soon as I got home in Toledo Ohio it was time for a drastic change in my diet. I threw away my big jar of I cannot believe its not butter, I got rid of all the pork ribs in my refregirator, I got rid of the oxtail that I love so much, I got rid of all the Italian sausages I liked for breakfast and trashed the bacon.

I started having my cereal with blueberries, strawberries, and blackberries, with cold milk for breakfast. Occassionally, I had the turkey bacon, eggs, and baked beans with my morning tea or coffee and toasted whole wheat brown bread. Around ten in the mornings I had a glass of ice cold water and for lunch I mostly had fruits like bananas, apples, oranges, pineapples, mangoes, and grapes. I also enjoyed vegetables like red, green, yellow, and orange peppers, thrown into the mix. I started enjoying asparagus broccolli, cauliflower, spinach, lettuce, cabbage, peas, colored greens, string beans, and yes grapes with my salad too.

Most evenings I started taking sweet potatoes, butternut squash, with salmon or tilapia for dinner. Furthermore I reduced the portions greatly. I was being pragmatic and extra careful with what I put into my own mouth. I was taking responsibility for my own health and not blaming it on the food because food is meant to nourish us and not harm us. On top of eating right I started walking regularly everyday. I spent an hour walking and sometimes more an hour and half. I walked at least 4-5 miles. I also changed one habit which I know is detrimental to anyone’s health and probably one of my worst downfalls, that is my sleeping habits. I used to stay up until two or three in the morning watching television but I changed all that. I started going to bed after eleven everynight and would be up by seven or eight. I stopped taking midnight snacks but drank coldwater. In the mornings I walked before breakfast.

I have never been one to be reckless with my health despite what other people might think. In fact I have never been one to let someone or something else take control of my life. I have always known where I am and where I am going with my life. I have always had clear logical plans of my life and the managing of my cholestrol was no less important. As the cholestrol levels meant another pill that might be more harmful to my liver I was resolute in my decision. The nursing practitioner prescribed me some Zocor. Two days before starting it, on the news there were concerns about high dosages of Zocor and muscle damage. I almost did not take it, but I realized my primary care provider had prescribed me only an eighth of the harmful dosage so I took it. This time I was determined on reversing the cholestrol levels as soon as possible. I took it religiously for the next eight weeks while eating well and exercising daily.

Today is August 6, and about three hours ago my provider just called me with the best news in weeks. The first time she was called with the bad news I happened to be in Walmart those eight weeks ago and today again I happened to be in the same Walmart when she called with the good news. My cholestrol has dropped from 246 to 151 in the last eight weeks. Hooray to my self. I managed to resist most of the animal flesh thereby accumulation of animal fats in my body, which cause cholestrol in the human body. If I could do it so I honestly believe everyone else can do the same. When it threatens your health it threatens your livelihood. I have promised myself I will live to see my children have their own children. I am not going to deprive them of their mother whilst I am still able to do anything and everything I can to maintain my health. I am also not going to deprive myself of getting to know my grandbabies prematurely because of what could have been avoided. I want to live long enough to see all my five children have their own children. I am not going to take that for granted, but I am going to work towards achieving that goal.

To all who think it is the hand you have been dealt, at times it is the hand we deal ourselves! Let’s deal the hand well and make sure we live well and live happily!



  1. Im on my way to losing weight too ma.. U are always a great inspiration and I'm sure u will stick to it and take care of urself

  2. Not an easy thing to do. I love my food, especially the meat hehe! I will jog miles to avoid missing out on my food.
